Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2007

Letter to my asian american girlfriend.

My dear Alexandra, I write this letter to you because you must know why I left you without saying goodby. I had to leave you because my familiy and I were captured and they took us to an concentration camp.
Here I live with other Asian American people. Unfortunately I can't tell you the address or call you to hear your lovely voice.
This will be the last letter that I write to you because we are not allowed to write more than one letter to a person. So this first letter is in the same moment an goodby letter.
Even if this is the last letter to you, you must not think that I will forget you. Alexandra you will be in my mind, life and heart for ever. Don't forget this. We were separated(unfotunately) but no one can take you out of my heart.
Farewell my darling and please don't forget me.

Yours Cheiling

P.S. I will always love you...

Poem against racism.

Why so hard?

Why must we cry?
Why must we die?
Why must we fear to say goodby?
We are alone with the tears.
We live with our fears.
Racist insults comme to our ears.

People don't look to our face,
They don't speak to us.
Against them we have no voice.
People are racist even in the bus.

Many have died,
Many have cried!
Against us there is racism everywhere.
All the time we must be aware.
Why must we be hit?
Why do you do it? WHY?

Freitag, 11. Mai 2007

Radio show...On air with Robert Schmidt

Protagonists: -Robert Schmidt(interviewer)
-Sean Wong a student from America that has faced racism(Sean)

  • Interviewer: Hello and welcome to my dayly radio schow "On air with Robert Schmidt" , today I have a guest and he is an asianamerican.
  • Sean: Hello, thank you for hawing me...
  • Interviewer: So Sean have you ever confronted racism in your school or even on the street?
  • Sean: O yes I did, even the teachers in my school are racist.On the stree people even chenge street sides when they see me???
  • Interviewer: How do you react when you see something like this?
  • Sean: Well actualy I try to smile.I dont notice things lime this anny more, I am to used to it!
  • Interviewer: Sean tell me more about your familly please...
  • Sean: My family traveled from Hong Kong to America and settled down in New York. I was born here but this seems not to interrest the people.
  • Interviewer: Dose youre family ahve problems with racism to?
  • Sean: O! yes actually my father just got fired two days ago...he thiks it is because he is asian.
  • Interviewer: This is realy unfriendly and in the same time racistic.
  • Sean:We try to have a normal life like all the people here in America, when we colidate with problems we ever try harder to have a normal life.
  • Interviewer: Sean thank you for being here today...
  • Sean: Thank you for your invitatio...googd bye!!!

Did you know that...???

Did you know that manny famous asian americanslike Lucy Liu (1968 New York) must face racism evennowadays???O yes they do, and this just becausethey are stereotypes.
Foto:Lucy Liu