Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2007

Letter to my asian american girlfriend.

My dear Alexandra, I write this letter to you because you must know why I left you without saying goodby. I had to leave you because my familiy and I were captured and they took us to an concentration camp.
Here I live with other Asian American people. Unfortunately I can't tell you the address or call you to hear your lovely voice.
This will be the last letter that I write to you because we are not allowed to write more than one letter to a person. So this first letter is in the same moment an goodby letter.
Even if this is the last letter to you, you must not think that I will forget you. Alexandra you will be in my mind, life and heart for ever. Don't forget this. We were separated(unfotunately) but no one can take you out of my heart.
Farewell my darling and please don't forget me.

Yours Cheiling

P.S. I will always love you...

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