Freitag, 11. Mai 2007

Radio show...On air with Robert Schmidt

Protagonists: -Robert Schmidt(interviewer)
-Sean Wong a student from America that has faced racism(Sean)

  • Interviewer: Hello and welcome to my dayly radio schow "On air with Robert Schmidt" , today I have a guest and he is an asianamerican.
  • Sean: Hello, thank you for hawing me...
  • Interviewer: So Sean have you ever confronted racism in your school or even on the street?
  • Sean: O yes I did, even the teachers in my school are racist.On the stree people even chenge street sides when they see me???
  • Interviewer: How do you react when you see something like this?
  • Sean: Well actualy I try to smile.I dont notice things lime this anny more, I am to used to it!
  • Interviewer: Sean tell me more about your familly please...
  • Sean: My family traveled from Hong Kong to America and settled down in New York. I was born here but this seems not to interrest the people.
  • Interviewer: Dose youre family ahve problems with racism to?
  • Sean: O! yes actually my father just got fired two days ago...he thiks it is because he is asian.
  • Interviewer: This is realy unfriendly and in the same time racistic.
  • Sean:We try to have a normal life like all the people here in America, when we colidate with problems we ever try harder to have a normal life.
  • Interviewer: Sean thank you for being here today...
  • Sean: Thank you for your invitatio...googd bye!!!

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