Montag, 18. Juni 2007

Radio with Robert Schmidt

(Loja is an Fillipino-American girl who was beaten up by her american schoolmates)
Intefviewer: Hello Loja who beat you up loke this.
Loja: Well is a long story that begun in my school.
Intefviewer: What happened... please tell us everything.
Loja: Me and my family come to New York and I was the new one in school.
Intefviewer: I totally understand you.
Loja: Well I rapidely find frieds but there were two girls in my clas who were very racist to me.
Intefviewer: What have they done to you?
Loja: I were in the schooljard and talked to my new won friends... thids two girls came to me and asked me to go with them.
Intefviewer: Were did they take you?
Loja: I went along with the girl and then they started to tease me and say ugly things about Fillipino-Americans.
Intefviewer:What have you done?
Loja:Well I tried to escape them and then they started to beat me up until I was on the ground...then they left
Intefviewer: What hapened then?
Loja: Well someone found me and tooked me to the hospital.
Intefviewer: And now you are here in my show... I thaank you for beeing here.
Loja: I must thank you because I could comme.

Samstag, 16. Juni 2007

Radio Show

(In this radio show there is Ly, she is an chinese american and has problems to find a job because the people where she tried to get a job were racists)
Interviever: Hello Ly please tell us please what hapened...
Ly: Well I tried to find a job because I must pay my bills. Iwent to some places but I was rejected because of my race.
Interviever: What did you do about this racidst people?
Ly: Well you know actually I wrote a letter pf complayne to all the people who rejected me.
Interviever: Did you get an anwser?
Ly: No I havent got no anvser yet.
Interviever: Tell us please what do you whant to do know.
Ly: I look forward to find a job still.
Interviever: What will you do if the other people are as racist as the rest?
Ly: I will speak to them.
Interviever: Well Ly thanks for beyng here and I wish you luck.Goodbye
Ly: Goodbye.

Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2007

Did you know that...??? (4)

Did you know that Vincent Chin(born in Detroit on June 19th, 1982) was mistaken for a Japanese. Two Auto-workers thought he is an Japanese. They killed him with an baseball bat. The Judge said that the two auto-workers must pay just a fine of $3700...absolute no jail. As a reaction the Asian Americans were infuriated and started rallies and demonstration. A question were asked "is an life of an people just $3700 worth?"

Radio with Robert Schmidt

(an American woman is interviewed... she is very racist... the interviewer is shoked and looses his temper in the end of the show)
Interviewer:Hello dear listeners. Today in my show I have Alisha Rogers, born in New York. She has an message for us all that seams very important.
Alisha: Hello out there.
Interviewer: So what is your message for our listeners?
Alisha: Ijust whant to say that we the people of the united States must come together and fight all Asian Americans.
Interviewer: Sorry Alisha but I must interrupt are more then racistic in this moment.
Alisha: I really dont like this people...they must leave our country.
Interviewer: Why are you thinking like this...they are just people like you and me.
Alisha: I don't think that you can call Asian Americans people.
Interviewer: Please I must ask you to be more polite and settled.
Alisha: They should go back to Asia and never come back. it was better before they came to America.
Interviewer: I don't understand why you are so racistic...what have they done to you?
Alisha: It is unimportant what they did to me...more important is that they all should die or dissapeare for ever.
Interviewer: Sorry I must say to you that you are an dum and ignorant woman...our world is bad because of people like you.
Alisha: What have you said?
Interviewer: You heared well you are a very dum person...I must ask you to leave my show in this moment. Dear listeners I appologize for this incident.

Radio with Robert Schmidt

Radio Show

(Chip Deylong has problems with racism, he wants to speak to the world in an radio show).
Interviewer: Hello to all our on my show I have Chin Deylong. He is an Fillipino American
Chip: Hello
Interviewer: Why are you in my show today?
Chip: I want to say to the people out there that they are really racist.
Interviewer: What experienses have you made with racism Chip?
Chip: I was in an newspaper-store, a old lady looked at me and suddenly she run as if i9 would be some monster.
Interviewer: What do you wish for your future?
Chip: I just want to be accepted as I am.
Interviewer: Thank you for beyng here , I wish you good luch infor your future
Chip: Thank you very much. Goodbye.

Did you know that...??? (3)

did you know that the Korean Americans invented the nectarine? Yep they did! Like many other people Kim-Hyung(Korean American) hated the fuzzy hair of the peach two. He whanted to do somethin about it. He thought about maching two fruits in such a way that the hair of the peach dissapeares but the taste remains the same. He tried different fruits together and in the end he decided to mach an peache with an plum and voila he invented the nectarin.