Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2007

Radio with Robert Schmidt

(an American woman is interviewed... she is very racist... the interviewer is shoked and looses his temper in the end of the show)
Interviewer:Hello dear listeners. Today in my show I have Alisha Rogers, born in New York. She has an message for us all that seams very important.
Alisha: Hello out there.
Interviewer: So what is your message for our listeners?
Alisha: Ijust whant to say that we the people of the united States must come together and fight all Asian Americans.
Interviewer: Sorry Alisha but I must interrupt are more then racistic in this moment.
Alisha: I really dont like this people...they must leave our country.
Interviewer: Why are you thinking like this...they are just people like you and me.
Alisha: I don't think that you can call Asian Americans people.
Interviewer: Please I must ask you to be more polite and settled.
Alisha: They should go back to Asia and never come back. it was better before they came to America.
Interviewer: I don't understand why you are so racistic...what have they done to you?
Alisha: It is unimportant what they did to me...more important is that they all should die or dissapeare for ever.
Interviewer: Sorry I must say to you that you are an dum and ignorant woman...our world is bad because of people like you.
Alisha: What have you said?
Interviewer: You heared well you are a very dum person...I must ask you to leave my show in this moment. Dear listeners I appologize for this incident.

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