Samstag, 16. Juni 2007

Radio Show

(In this radio show there is Ly, she is an chinese american and has problems to find a job because the people where she tried to get a job were racists)
Interviever: Hello Ly please tell us please what hapened...
Ly: Well I tried to find a job because I must pay my bills. Iwent to some places but I was rejected because of my race.
Interviever: What did you do about this racidst people?
Ly: Well you know actually I wrote a letter pf complayne to all the people who rejected me.
Interviever: Did you get an anwser?
Ly: No I havent got no anvser yet.
Interviever: Tell us please what do you whant to do know.
Ly: I look forward to find a job still.
Interviever: What will you do if the other people are as racist as the rest?
Ly: I will speak to them.
Interviever: Well Ly thanks for beyng here and I wish you luck.Goodbye
Ly: Goodbye.

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