Montag, 18. Juni 2007

Radio with Robert Schmidt

(Loja is an Fillipino-American girl who was beaten up by her american schoolmates)
Intefviewer: Hello Loja who beat you up loke this.
Loja: Well is a long story that begun in my school.
Intefviewer: What happened... please tell us everything.
Loja: Me and my family come to New York and I was the new one in school.
Intefviewer: I totally understand you.
Loja: Well I rapidely find frieds but there were two girls in my clas who were very racist to me.
Intefviewer: What have they done to you?
Loja: I were in the schooljard and talked to my new won friends... thids two girls came to me and asked me to go with them.
Intefviewer: Were did they take you?
Loja: I went along with the girl and then they started to tease me and say ugly things about Fillipino-Americans.
Intefviewer:What have you done?
Loja:Well I tried to escape them and then they started to beat me up until I was on the ground...then they left
Intefviewer: What hapened then?
Loja: Well someone found me and tooked me to the hospital.
Intefviewer: And now you are here in my show... I thaank you for beeing here.
Loja: I must thank you because I could comme.

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