Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2007

Radio Show

(Chip Deylong has problems with racism, he wants to speak to the world in an radio show).
Interviewer: Hello to all our on my show I have Chin Deylong. He is an Fillipino American
Chip: Hello
Interviewer: Why are you in my show today?
Chip: I want to say to the people out there that they are really racist.
Interviewer: What experienses have you made with racism Chip?
Chip: I was in an newspaper-store, a old lady looked at me and suddenly she run as if i9 would be some monster.
Interviewer: What do you wish for your future?
Chip: I just want to be accepted as I am.
Interviewer: Thank you for beyng here , I wish you good luch infor your future
Chip: Thank you very much. Goodbye.

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